Free Will Flow of Love and AbundanceWhether you are an individual, small business, or Fortune 500 company, our system is the same:
🦋Take any of our programs when you want and how often you desire WITHOUT email registration or membership signup.
🦋Pay when you want, how often you want, and how much you choose.
🦋We no longer use email marketing, sales funnels, or sales calls.
🦋We only use email to respond to your inquiries and send receipts for payments received.
This divinely inspired approach allows you to contribute based on your financial capacity and the value you receive based on the Universal Numbers 3, 6, and 9. We trust in the innate goodness and abundance of the human spirit and have seen the transformative power of this method in countless lives.
Affirmations of Discovered Souls: God is LOVE. LOVE is eternal. I AM that I AM. Thank you for being YOU. We are ONE. All is perfect, whole, and complete. Complete with Unconditional Love, Endless Joy, Abundant Wealth, Perfect Health, and Infinite Peace. Life is good, and it keeps getting better, better, and better. It is so!🦋YouTube | 🦋Instagram | 🦋Facebook
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© Discovered Souls Inc.
55 Ontario St., Toronto, ON, M5A OT8